Book & eBook Ghostwriters For Hire | Book Publishing Services

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Publish Your Story with Confidence: Expert Publishing for Every Tale!

Put your mind at ease by using our platform to publish your book. With their experience, our publishing team can make any story come to life. We can provide you with a story about a magical kingdom, a historical account, or a tale of rags to riches. We got it all!

Are you a business owner who has overcome all odds to achieve success? Together with us, publish your book and tell the world about your journey! We'll give your tale an inspirational voice. We make sure your input is taken into consideration at every stage, and our professionally produced books are made to captivate readers to lure their interest to your books!


Years of Experience


Books Written


Book Published

Step into the World of Literature: Where Your Story Shines!
Want to bring your book to life? Here’s how you can become an author, that too effortlessly!

Our Services!

Along with providing experienced ghostwriters and proofreaders, we offer a range of other services that includes:

Book Marketing & Promotion

Marketing and Promotion are two facets of a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Marketing and Promotion are two facets of a comprehensive marketing strategy. Branding and marketing your book is an essential aspect of getting the book published. Our team works together to get your book publicized by making it reachable to a wide array of audiences located throughout the world. Our digital marketing specialists create public awareness about your book through a variety of strategies and different forms of communication.

Amazon Publication

Through Amazon publication services, we can help you reach millions of potential readers located throughout the world.

Through Amazon publication services, we can help you reach millions of potential readers located throughout the world. Our service providers get your copies published at Amazon and entitle you to a chance to win royalties. Your book can usually get published quickly without a delay and then gets distributed globally to a wide range of audiences.

Book Editing

Our book ghostwriters and editors can assist you in proofreading your copies without a hassle.

Our book ghostwriters and editors can assist you in proofreading your copies without a hassle. Our editors have a keen eye for detail and they ensure every write-up being produced is error-free. Allow us to elevate your manuscript through a detailed review by our proficient editors.

Book Cover Design

Books are and will continue to be judged by their cover in the real world. An attractive cover immediately grabs the customer’s attention.

Books are and will continue to be judged by their cover in the real world. An attractive cover immediately grabs the customer’s attention. Let's say that you've written an amazing book. But if no one is ever going to look at it amongst hundreds of other books surrounding it, no one will ever know how good of a book it actually is. We have a team of dedicated designers who can squeeze and extract your whole book into a single page of art that completely represents the idea of your book. The first impression is the last. The book cover is what persuades the reader to pick up your book from the shelves.

Hip Hop Writing

You can get your rap hip hop lyrics written by us. We have a dedicated team of hip hop writers being eager to write your songs.

You can get your rap hip hop lyrics written by us. We have a dedicated team of hip hop writers being eager to write your songs. Our hip hop writers understand how lyrics are supposed to be expressive and they work hard to deliver remarkable lyrics by making use of their imaginative creativity.

Fiction Book Writing

Fiction writing is the work of imagination. All you have to do is to provide us with a plot and characters; our fiction book writers will do the rest.

Fiction writing is the work of imagination. All you have to do is to provide us with a plot and characters; our fiction book writers will do the rest. Our writers are as much excited about writing fiction books as our clients. It gives them a free canvas to draw upon. Our fiction writers are intricate with details and provide as much detail in description and worldbuilding as the client requires, with no upper limits

Hire a publisher effortlessly!

We have laid out a straightforward and simple process for our clients.

Watch Your Story Come Alive: Our Expert Publishers Make Your Narrative Shine!


We Connect

You leave us a message with information about your project. One of our cordial project managers gets back to you as soon as possible with answers to all your queries.


Manuscript Review

You send us your manuscript, and our panel of experts reviews it for marketability and completion status. We help you complete the front and back matter and anything else necessary to complete the book before we publish the book on Amazon.


Editing, Formatting & Proofreading

Our formatting team transforms it into a professional-looking book according to the Amazon publishing guidelines. Finally, we proofread the text to eliminate any visible or hidden errors.


Book Cover Design

Our creative artist team designs attention-grabbing cover art that best captures the feel you want your book to emanate and represents the central idea of your book.



We publish your book on Amazon and take care of all the nuances from start to finish. You don’t have to lift a finger until your book goes live on the Amazon Kindle store.


Collect Royalties

The last step is for you to reap the fruits of your hard work, patience, and dedication. You will receive all payments directly into your bank account. There are no cuts in the royalties you earn.

Writing image

Easing Amazon Publishing Services
for Emerging Authors!

A book's publication is no joke. Writing a book requires a lot of effort from the author. They're exhausted by the time the draft is finished. We will handle the additional effort on your behalf.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a piece of cake for us. We'll take your manuscript and turn it into an Amazon published book with all the necessary components ready and flawlessly polished. It may be your first, second, or third project, but we regularly release books on, so you have nothing to worry about, we have got you covered!

Our extensive knowledge of Amazon publishing enables us to save you numerous hours of valuable time, significant additional costs, and a great deal of effort. We manage every step of the process, from your desktop to the Amazon Kindle store, making your life hassle-free.

  • Thought-provoking title
  • Attention-grabbing cover design
  • Aesthetic and accurate formatting
  • Amazon tags and descriptions
  • Smooth publishing
  • Easy payment methods

Our Publishers Making Headlines

Reputable media sources such as The New York Times have honored our publishing team for their superior publishing services. With skillfully published books, we have effectively assisted our clients in becoming the best-sellers.

Simplify Your Amazon Publishing Experience!

Leave your Amazon book publishing to us.

What Makes Our Publishing Service Different?


Get your stories published by our highly experienced staff, whose creativity and experience guarantee outstanding quality.


Our professionals are on hand around-the-clock to respond to your questions and make sure that communications are efficient.


We value your input and make changes until you are entirely satisfied. Unlimited revisions are a rare feature of publishing services.


Before delivery, every job is carefully examined and validated by our quality control staff. We never skimp on quality.

Struggling to Write Your Book Alone? Let Us Help!
Why not hire an experienced writer to help you out? For more information, speak with us.

Should I Hire a Ghostwriter? Why?

Hiring a ghostwriter is frowned upon by a minority of people in the writing business. But just like you don't build the house you live in, in the same way, you might need a writer to help write your book for you. To write a book is just as much of a challenge, if not more. Someone smart and pragmatic would not let their limitations hold them back from their destiny to write a book when they could easily find a ghostwriter and become an author.

The first and foremost reason why someone would need to find a ghostwriter for their book is that they can't find enough time. Sometimes the author would need time to spend on other aspects of their life, like running a business, children, spouse, book signing ceremonies, interviews, etc. Other times the author would want to work on a different project on their portfolio. Either way, a ghostwriter can help save hours of your time and energy that you could best utilize elsewhere.

They say two heads are better than one, and they're not wrong. The second of the biggest two reasons is to make use of the creativity

and expertise of a professional writer. The ideas remain yours, and you are still the author of your book, but you need the skill of a writer to convert them into words and arrange them together in the form of a book. There is no shame in admitting that you need help. Not everyone is a born writer. It takes many years of experience, creativity, life-long reading habits, sheer discipline, immense patience, and great vocabulary to pass for a good writer. Why spend years acquiring all that when you can just find a ghostwriter to cover that for you?

Other than the two mentioned, there can be many other reasons why you may need help to write your book. A ghostwriter can help offer a new perspective on a concept, give your book a fresher look, provide brilliant insights from their years of experience, and may also turn working on a literary project into a great learning experience.

Hiring a ghostwriter to do the writing for you is perfectly legal and ethical. It is one of those ideas that are stigmatized to the point that it almost feels illegal to hire a ghost when in practice it's not.

What Hiring a Ghostwriter Looks Like!

A ghostwriter is an invisible entity in your writing process, exactly like a ghost. The ghost hides in the shadows, takes over the book, and gets an impossible task done swiftly. The task of writing may not be impossible, but the way ghostwriters accomplish it can be difficult to match by someone who has only written one book or two or perhaps none.

A ghost does not need to sleep or rest. Similarly, a ghostwriter can dish out well over a couple of thousand words a day, every single day, looking like they write for hours on end without rest. Well, in reality, they are working for several hours a day, but they have a ton of experience working on similar projects, so they know very well how to handle the challenge.

People can't see a ghost, nor believe in one; only you can see them. In the same way, no one can know that you're working with a ghostwriter unless you want them to know. The ghost captures the voice of their client immaculately. Moreover, since the client is still the author of the book, they always have the final say in what's to be written and how to get it done.

You can come to us with as little as a poorly written note on the concept of a book. We will listen to you on voice calls or video conferences for hours to absorb all the information you have to give about your book. You can communicate with us via email if you're too shy on voice calls. Our writers will study, research and brainstorm on your ideas to make good use of each other's strengths. Out of this information, an outline is drawn up and sent to you for approval.

We understand that no matter how great the book is, if it's not the book you were looking to write, it has no use for you. We would not want to work like that in the first place. Ghostwriters rarely take responsibility for ideas. We do however offer recommendations and suggestions from our years of working knowledge. But in the ghostwriting business, the ultimate decisions remain in the clients' hands, not the ghostwriters

After you approve the outline, we select one of our great writers from the specific category and work on your project unless you want us to select a different one. The writer will wait after sending each chapter to you for approval, so any changes can be made then and there without affecting the whole project every time a revision is made..

Once all the chapters are written, the status of your project changes to editing. We employ several editing techniques to turn the manuscript into a full-fledged book complete with proofreading and formatting to publishing standards if you're looking for those services as well.

You can come to us for any single task in the book-writing journey, or you can trust us to handle all aspects of the project. We will design the interior pages with tasteful fonts and formatting. We will also take care of the cover art and other elements. You can rest assured that your cover design, writing of the book, and formatting will all be in harmony with each other since they're being done under one roof.

We might sometimes get clients looking to market their book and establish a digital presence. We then design websites for those kinds of authors, help populate them with blogs, offer online publicity, and social media marketing services.

A new writer might find the ghostwriting business to be a wonderful resource. As a beginner, you might want to seek help at every little step of the way. So feel free to contact us for consultation over a voice call or email. We are always happy to encourage and support new writers in their writing journey.

Your Sign to Sign Up and Become a Published Bestselling Author!

Very creating and insightful work, made my ramblings make sense! I loved the added details and the way my characters were brought to life. The writer was prompt in her responses and catered to all last-minute adjustments patiently. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. 100% recommended.

Joseph Boucher

#1 New York times-bestselling author Over 1 million copies sold!

I rarely write reviews but this goes to the ghostwriter I hired. The process, from the selection of the writer to the final submission of my book, went smooth. I` loved how he stayed engaged and concerned about my story. Thank you for giving an interpersonal touch to the story. Very quick to answer all queries. I am very satisfied with the quality of much. Way to go.

Annabell Ison

#1 New York times-bestselling author Over 1 million copies sold!

This website is the best to hire a ghostwriter for any book! I hired a book ghostwriter thinking it would be a lengthy process but to my surprise, they delivered my book in no time. Great work is done! It felt as if the writer had read my mind. Wonderful. I also got my website made by them. Thank you.

Moore W.

#1 New York times-bestselling author Over 1 million copies sold!

Answers to the Frequently Asked Questions

The book publishing process involves several steps, including manuscript submission, editing, formatting, cover design, publishing, and promotion. Each step is essential to ensure the book's quality and success in the market.

You can submit your manuscript by contacting a publishing company or using self-publishing platforms. Make sure your manuscript meets the submission guidelines provided by the publisher and is properly formatted.

Editing plays a crucial role in refining the manuscript by correcting errors, improving clarity, and enhancing readability. Professional editors review the content for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and consistency to ensure high-quality writing.

The time it takes to publish a book varies depending on various factors, such as the publisher's schedule, the complexity of the manuscript, and the author's preferences. On average, it can take several months to a year from manuscript submission to book release.

Royalties are payments made to authors by publishers for the sale of their books. The royalty rate is typically a percentage of the book's sales revenue and varies depending on the publishing contract terms. Authors receive royalties as compensation for their work and intellectual property rights.

Book promotion involves various marketing strategies to reach potential readers and generate sales. Authors can promote their books through social media, book signings, author events, email marketing, book reviews, and collaborations with influencers or other authors. A well-planned marketing campaign can help increase book visibility and attract readers.

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Everything You Need for Book Publishing!

One of the numerous services we provide is ghostwriting. Book Publishing Services is a one-stop shop for all things related to publishing, including cover design, editing, formatting, publishing, and marketing your books to your target readership.