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Privacy Policy

The privacy practices of are revealed in this notice. As a result, the information gathered from this website is the only subject to this privacy notice. You will be informed of the following by it:

  • What personally identifiable information is gathered from you via the website, how is it put to use, and who might get access to it?
  • The decisions that you can make about how your data is used. You will learn about all the security measures put in place to prevent unauthorized use of your personal data.
  • How to fix any informational mistakes or omissions. Additionally, gathering, using, and sharing information.
  • Confidentiality with regard to the services you are providing.
  • Content originality, ensuring that it is free of plagiarism.

Access to and Management of Information

You have the option to stop communicating with us going forward. Additionally, by contacting us at any time using the phone number or email address listed on our website, you can do any of the following:

  • Examine any information we may have about you.
  • Edit or correct any information we may have on you.
  • Query us to have all data about you deleted.
  • Air any questions you may have regarding our use of your data.


We safeguard your data offline. Personally identifiable information is only accessible to our employees and contractors who require it to complete a specific task (like billing or providing the services that were ordered). A secure environment houses the computers or servers that are used to hold personally identifiable information. For quality assurance and training purposes, all conversations and emails between the client ( and employee(s) are recorded. There is absolutely no possibility that any private information will leak.


We might need to gather personal information from you, like your name, email address, billing address, and phone number, in order to process your order. Only our third-party credit card provider handles credit card information. Our client will receive any additional pertinent information right then and there.

IP Address and Cookies

When you visit our website, non-personal data like your IP address is automatically captured. Only site administration and server diagnosis are done with this data. This website uses cookies to improve user experience and gather usage data.

Information About Our Products and Services

We strive to provide the most accurate descriptions of the services and goods available on We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, completeness, dependability, timeliness, or error-free nature of the service descriptions or any other content on this website. If you believe that the services you received from us did not match the descriptions on this website, please contact us right away by phone or email. Should you believe that we are not following this privacy statement, please get in touch with us right away by phone at or via email. Your question will be promptly answered by our support staff.

Confidentiality and Ownership

Our writing service is completely confidential, unlike many others that demand recognition or sales incentives. Under no circumstances will any communication or content created or reviewed with the intention of collaborating be revealed to a third party. We don't hold any rights to the goods and services we offer. Everything we write or edit is regarded as the client's exclusive property. Only you will be acknowledged as the author and/or owner of your manuscript or other material if you get in touch with us.


For a client, we ghostwrite all original content that has never been plagiarized or lifted verbatim from another source. To guarantee the content's dependability, authenticity, and uniqueness, all information supplied to a client that draws inspiration or research from another source will be summarised and appropriately referenced.