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Once Upon A Time…

Book Publishing Services began as a small group of enthusiastic young adults who became friends because they both loved writing and coffee. We were nerds for cult classics, wordsmiths, passionate readers, and lovers of literature. We wrote for hours on end using writing prompts, fan fiction, slam poetry, short stories, and anything else that had to do with literature or creative writing.

Friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of friends, and even complete strangers with whom we engaged in online debates would frequently notice our light and approach us for assistance with their theses, project reports, blogs, and other writing projects. Slowly but surely, the spark became a flame, and we began to struggle to keep our good promises.

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Our obligations increased along with the pace of life, and we found ourselves reluctantly turning down extra favors. However, our amiable clients insisted on paying us for the work and wouldn't take no for an answer.

We began taking orders one after another in an effort to make ends meet and occasionally afford a piece of pie. As word spread about us and we became more well-known, we made the decision to turn our passion into a career.

We assisted writers of novels of all lengths, complexity, and simplicity, fiction and non-fiction, in forms we were unaware even existed, and across a rainbow of genres and specializations. We were able to connect with additional like-minded individuals because one link leads to another. Along with our team's growth, our business and the number of projects we worked on also expanded.

Our little startup had quickly grown into a fully functional company. Our books have become best-sellers, we have a solid reputation in the ghostwriting business, and people frequently quote us online.

The same way we used to celebrate at our local library when there were only a few of us, we still do so now when we hit the bullseye on a critic's review or the market ratings for our projects. The difference is that when we celebrate the success of the book we ghostwrote or its current bestseller status, there are no librarians to silence us.

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In addition to ghostwriting the book, we also offer:

  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Publication
  • Book cover design
  • Marketing & Promotion
  • Author website design
  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Song, Rap and Hip-Hop Writing
  • Audiobook
  • Book Translation and many more

Your one-stop shop for all ghostwriting requirements, with excellence guaranteed and an experience as unforgettable as writing a book can get.

Our Writers

Meet the stars of our writing team who are always pushing and setting new standards for us as well as the industry. They have stellar writing experiences under their belt working with bestseller authors and featured by the biggest news outlets and forums.

our book writers

Esther Rowe


Esther is one of our most emotionally intelligent writers. She deconstructs feelings of her characters so eloquently that it leaves even our editors waiting for the next chapter to quench their curiosity about what’s going to happen next. Her empathetic nature gives her an edge and enables her to not just understand the client’s demands but really feel where they’re coming from. Her abilities shine in storytelling whether they’re fantasy fiction, nonfiction biographies, narratives, screenplays, or novels. Hire her as your ghostwriter today.

our book writers

Rosalie Guzman


Rosalie is the most versatile writer you will ever see. She is young, but exceptionally gifted with words and has a magical instinct that is reflected in her work. Her multifaceted profile showcases prized work in songwriting, rap and hip-hop, speeches, scripts, fanfics, short stories, flash fiction, and even comics. What’s surprising is that her flow from rhyming extends into the biographies and memoirs that she is always so eager to work on. Rosalie’s words are almost always trending in the media, and we feel proud to know that it was one of our own who wrote that.

our book writers

Leo Weber


If there’s anyone who can make a person see with closed eyes, it’s our wizard, Weber. He is an expert in drawing detailed pictures in the heads of his readers and animate them with nothing but words on a page. His descriptions are extraordinarily visual, with a unique ability to change complete scenarios, all within a single sentence. Weber’s words that drop like hammers have earned him a celestial reputation amongst our clients so he stays booked in advance. Through our forum, hire him today to reserve an exclusive spot on his writing schedule.

Featured In

Our staff of best-selling authors, ghostwriters, editors, and writers from a variety of industries is regularly highlighted in prestigious media outlets for their exceptional knowledge. Get your hands on the most experienced writers and experience the journey yourself!